The Grammy's
I have never watched The Grammy's. Growing up I was never allowed to stay up that late. Then, I married a porn addict and watching The Grammy's triggered something in me every time. I couldn't watch it. I knew N was looking at all the skin that was showing on those women's perfect bodies, I knew he was wishing I looked like them, and I also knew that's what he would fantisize about. So, I hated watching The Grammy's or anything like it. We would always try watching it and I'd ask him to change the channel when a 1/2 naked woman was on stage and I felt uncomfortable and he'd tell me no that it wasn't triggering anything in him. I knew better. I hated that part of being married to a porn/sex addict....always wondering who he was looking at and why. HATED IT! So, tonight, I sat down and watched The Grammy's with my parents. My dad changes the channel at the first sign of anything inappropriate and for that I am SO grateful. ...