
Showing posts from November, 2010

never ending

This whole journey is exhausting! I feel like it's never ending! It's a roller coaster! Some days are good, some are great and some just suck! Some days I wonder if it's even really worth it anymore! People who know my situation tell me they'd leave. It's really bothered me that I don't feel the same way. It bothered me that I thought I SHOULD want to leave or feel like it's the best thing, but I don't. I've come to a realization and I feel better about my decisions. NO ONE knows what they'd do if they were in a situation. And, everyone's situation, no matter how similar, is different. Someone going through the exact same crap I am could know that she's supposed to get divorced and start over. That's what's right for HER and no one should judge her for that. Someone else going through more crap could know that she's supposed to stay. That's what's right for HER! So, I am following the Spirit and my instinc...