
Showing posts from December, 2013

pioneer woman

I took the following from my therapists blog. click HERE "There is a group of pioneer women among us for whom I have grown to have deep respect and compassion. Sadly, these are the women who, like those who were forced out of their dream homes in Nauvoo, are being forced out of their dream marriages by the significant mis-behaviors of their husbands. You see, I am a professional counselor who specializes in working with LDS marriages, primarily those affected by the sexual indiscretions of the husbands. Commonly, the wife I meet has a history of trying to be a righteous woman. She followed all the rules that were supposed to “guarantee” a good husband and a good marriage. She tried to be a good wife by meeting all his needs. But nonetheless, he stepped out of the marriage through pornography, masturbation, an affair, or anything like unto such. The shock of discovering what their Priesthood holding husband has done, throws them into a state of confusion and pain. After e...