pioneer woman
I took the following from my therapists blog.
click HERE
You see, I am a professional counselor who specializes in working with LDS marriages, primarily those affected by the sexual indiscretions of the husbands. Commonly, the wife I meet has a history of trying to be a righteous woman. She followed all the rules that were supposed to “guarantee” a good husband and a good marriage. She tried to be a good wife by meeting all his needs. But nonetheless, he stepped out of the marriage through pornography, masturbation, an affair, or anything like unto such.
The shock of discovering what their Priesthood holding husband has done, throws them into a state of confusion and pain. After enjoying the comfort and safety of a good marriage, they are thrown out in the cold, on their own, many with varying numbers of children. Even if the husband tries to sincerely repent, the broken trust eliminates him as a source of strength and comfort."
I spent a lot of my marriage as a pioneer woman. Now I'm in constant Pioneer Woman Mode. I don't have the comfort and safety of a man taking care of me and my littles on this journey. But, I'm learning that I'm not really alone. The posted picture has become my very favorite picture EVER! You see, there are angels helping those pioneer women and I have angels helping me. My parents who are supporting me and my boys while I'm in school, my sister and her husband who buy my kids pants or shoes or anything else they see the boys need, my friend from 'home' who came up for a visit, my mom reading to my boys every night until they fall asleep, women who have trudged this journey before me and offer me love, support, and counsel, friends who know I have nothing and send a few Christmas gifts to our home, the list goes on and on. I have angels who are helping me as I start this new journey. I thought I was going to be on this journey alone....boy, was I ever mistaken. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for my angels who are making this journey easier for me.