
I've been a dignified bitch for 3 weeks now!
I've set and kept boundaries.
My man has been respectful of the boundaries I've set.
He's been honest.
He lets me check up on him.
He's fighting!
FOR REAL fighting. Not half-assed fighting like he's done in the past, but 100% fighting.
He's not talking about what will happen next time, because, he's not planning on a next time.
We've been very open and honest with our feelings.
I'm finding this part of my journey hard.
I know it's only been 3 weeks, but, I'm starting to trust him a little.
It's a weird feeling to trust him.
I haven't felt this in 3 1/2 years.
And, I'm being very cautious.
I know it's still soon, but I'm feeling good.
I still have my moments where I wonder what is in the future, but I feel good about this.
I'm trying to learn how to trust again!
Is this good or am I setting myself up again?

EDIT 7*16*2010: I typed this too soon! I should've held off 1 more day. I'm back to square 1! I hate this rollercoaster.


J said…
Oh no! That edit part in the post doesn't seem good...

I'm sorry!!

Call if you need to chat :)

You are so strong!

Maybe your just confused about yourself like what you should do about something. How about take a break? Take time to reflect. Consult your problem with your friends, peers or perhaps help groups. It's good that you are letting this all out as early as now. Just hold on, you will get through this.

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