
long story short:
my man got a new phone.
i installed net nanny on it.
he uninstalled it.
he left for 8 hours to get his fix and came home.
for 2 weeks he was ALL addict.
he locked me out of the room while he did his video chatting and porn watching.
i sat in the front room ALONE and hurting so bad.
on our way out the door for church without my man and he locked me out of the bathroom.
i told him it was time for him to leave. forever.
he laughed at me like i was kidding.
i went crazy.
not my finest moment.
definately not proud of what followed.
especially since my children were home.
i kicked the door down.
i broke it.
i pushed my man into the bathtub.
i used the plunger and plunged his face.
then i used the handle to hit him.
i got out 8 years of hurting.
i know it was wrong and i know it can't happen again, but it felt good.
i got my boys in the car and we were leaving for the night so my man could see i was serious.
the cops came.
i got a citation for domestic violence, domestic violence in the presence of a child, and criminal mischeif...all class B misdemeanors.
found out later the reason i didn't go to jail that night was because my man told the police that our boys were better off with me than him.
my man is now gone.
he is living with grandparents.
we told his parents.
they were mad at us for deceiving us and pretending things were fine and then went on to tell us that my man could NOT, under any circumstances stay with his grandparents.
after a long discussion about my man and i doing what is best and his parents saying my man needs to pay the natural consequences i told them the natural consequence is divorce and that i'd like to do a 6 month seperation so i can say i gave it my all.
they told me that if i was choosing divorce that was what the consequence needed to be.
i asked them to leave and didn't let them say anything else.
i haven't talked to them since.
my man has been gone 2 days adn still has 0 days clean.
i think i know what is going to happen in 6 month.
i'm not excited.
i'm hurt.
hurting for me, but mostly for my boys.
my 4 year old drew a picture of how he feels and it's a stick figure with a million tears and a frown.
it broke my heart.
my 7 year old cried to me for 45 minutes tonight and talked about how he can't focus in school, he has a tummy ache and he's sad his dad isn't making right choices.
it broke my heart.
both my boys needed to talk, so we stayed up late and had a good talk and a good cry.
it breaks my heart that my man is choosing to destoy 3 little peoples lives.
i know they'll make it and they'll be fine.
but it's so sad to watch them go through this.
i'm lonely.
i hate not having anyone to talk to about my day and the dumb little cute things my boys do.
i hate that i've given this man 8 years of my life, my heart, my trust, memories, and forgiveness and he is throwing it all away.
pornography is evil. it's addictive. and i wish i could shout at every young man to never look at it. it destroys lives. it breaks hearts. it puts too many people through hell
sorry my long story didn't stay short.


Scabs said…
I feel your pain, your kids pain...all of it is so awful. I'm sorry you're feeling this tonight but I think the image with plunger on his face is completely awesome!! Thanks for that visual.

They dont get it. From reading your blog it seems like you've given a lot. And there is no shame or judgement for walking away. I'm sorry and i'm here for u.

It kills me too...whenever my children feel pain from my husbands decisions. Its heartbreaking and they are too lost and selfish to care who they hurt.

And I just have to ask, his parents are angry you didn't share his porn addiction with them??
Buffalo Gal said…
Oh Hope, my heart breaks for you. I'm so so sorry that this is where it is right now. You are in my prayers. ((hugs))
My Name is JACY said…
Please let me know when you can reschedule our lunch date! I was so looking forward to it! :(

Thinking and praying for you! YOU CAN DO THIS!

I love you!
Anonymous said…
Plunged his face?! I know it's terrible that I'm happy about that. Way to stick up for yourself and your kids.
I wish you the best. Stay strong and take care of yourself.
Bubbles said…
I am soooo sorry to hear this my friend. Please know that I am praying for you. Thinking of you and knowing this pain so well. You are in the heart of it for sure. And you are showing strength and courage and a will to fight. You deserve peace and happiness. I know it's a process to detach, but you can do it. You will be better off and your kids too. It's just hard to see it now. There is still fire ahead for you but many love you and think of you and you will get through this. I know it. I will be close if you need me:)
Jane said…
The plunger thing was awesome. Even though we have our "not so fine" moments, we aren't the ones to blame. You have courage, you are going to make it.

Sending love.
Jane said…
I just read your post again. I can't even fathom the pain. He was lucky it was just a plunger.
Mac said…
I'm so so sorry. Sounds like this was a long time coming, though. I'm sorry his parents are making it even more painful for you. You can do it. Did you listen to the talk by Elder Baxter during conference? Angel posted the link in the comments of my most recent post. Go listen to it. You can do it.
Just Me, Marlee said…
Friend I've never met,
I read your blog and felt your pain. Thank you for sharing and being real. Thank you for letting ALL of us know we are not alone. Those boys of yours have an awesome mom. I'm so glad they have a mom who will cuddle them and let them cry when they need to. Keep your chin up for them. I remember about five years ago when my first daughter was just a tiny baby and the whole porn thing was coming out. I cried and cried and tried to tell her, "I'm so sorry I didn't find the best dad for you. I did the best I could. I really tried. I thought he would be a good dad. I tried my best!" Now years later, we continue to struggle and she is too old for me to cry to her. The whole issue would be so much simpler if we didn't have these innocent babes in balance. I like to remember something a friend said, "I believe that God will consecrate these trials for my children's benefit." It is my prayer as well. Hang in there friend.
Anonymous said…
I know we have never met, but I want you to know I'm praying for you and am so thankful that you are sharing your experiences. I went from crying to laughing hysterically!! I am so proud of you for plunging his face! I love you for your strength and honesty.
Unknown said…
It makes me feel better about assaulting his lover...I threw her to the ground by pulling her long black asian hair. It felt so good. I did it a second time when I saw her a different time at the store and she was with him again. I'm glad she moved away so I won't go to jail for assault. Thanks for sharing. I thought I was crazy (I was), and I was afraid of how strong I was in my anger. I'm glad to know I'm not alone...

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