
Over the past 6 years, through all this crap, I feel like I have to remind myself that I've already learned something! I had some ah-ha moments this week and it was great! I feel good. I feel like we're moving forward. He's being honest. Even when he messes up (loses a battle) he's telling me and we're able to work together.
My biggest ah-ha this week was that I have to rely on God. Our counselor put this on his blog and I love it. When my man isn't following God and isn't leading our family in righteousness then I have to leave him behind and hope he catches up. But I can't force him. I can't drag him to the celestial kingdom! I will get there! I will stand blameless before God. I will work hard to teach and guide my children so they will be there with me. I will invite my man to join us in our journey to the celestial kingdom, but it will be up to him.
It's kind of scary because I want him to want me and I don't want to be alone, but I finally really get it! I can rely on God and he will help me!
I can do this!


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