
I've been praying a lot!
I've been making sure I don't make any decision without the Lord.
But, I've been questioning myself a little.

At WORTH group on Saturday we talked about prayer.
The lesson I gave on Sunday was about daily revelations.

And I remembered! I know how I feel the Spirit. It touches each of us differently. But, I know, for me, how the Spirit communicates with me! And I remembered that I need to stop questioning! The Lord will not give me more than I can handle (sometimes I wish I wasn't so dang amazing) ;)!!!! He knows me and He loves me and will not lead me astray!

Now I am making my decisions and am confident (most of the time) in the conclusions I come to.
My mom has her input and she's pretty vocal about it and doesn't agree with my decisions right now, but I have to remember that I am doing what is right for me and I can't base any of my decision on pleasing those around me who I love and respect.

My man is home. I'm being a dignified bitch and he's being very respectful of me and my space. We have our moments and quite a few miscommunications because we're both hurting from the choices he's made. But, I feel good about him being here. I have to take it day by day. IF a day comes that I don't feel good about it then we'll re-evaluate. I have to follow the Spirit.

I'm staying home. I'm not going to California or Boise or Arizona or Logan. I'm staying here. California was so inviting! To relax and have someone else take care of my babies and to have time to ME...oh so relaxing! BUT, I didn't feel right about it. As soon as I decided to stay home I felt so much peace and I knew this is where I'm supposed to be right now.

I can't imagine going throug this without my knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves me just the way I am and will never lead me astray or give me more than I can handle!

In this little hell of mine I'm so glad I can feel some peace.


Marci said…
You are amazing! I have come to realize that we have more connection with God than we give ourselves credit for. And it's only in the trusting that we can fully access that power. Kudos to you for following the spirit and not going to California despite how inviting it was. Also, one of the hardest things for me has been to not listen to voices of friends and family who 'mean well'. This isn't their life and their marriage. Only we KNOW what's best for us and our situation. I love you tons
Anonymous said…
Yea for you!!

You sound like you're in a much better place!

I talked with M yesterday about trusting myself... and your post fit perfectly with what we talked about...

Trust yourself... do what feels right for YOU! None of us can tell you how to feel or what to do... We can only route you along through this little hell of yours... but we love you so much and want you to be happy!! And if happy means being home with your man, then so be it!

Who gives a flying crap what anyone else thinks!!

I'm so proud of you Hope! You are one beautiful lady and I'm so glad I know you!!

You too Mom... I feel so blessed to have such wonderful women in my life... WORTH has changed my life and I know it's because of the bond we share as betrayed women. We are strong- stronger than we think or give ourselves credit for!! And you Hope, you're my shining example right now!

I'm proud of you!!


Momma J

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