At the end of the year I write a summary of what I've done, learned, etc through the year. It's my way of doing my personal history and passing it down. I enjoy writing it and feel like it's important. BUT, this year I'm struggling...REALLY REALLY struggling. I'm not sure what to write about 2010.
January: My husband cheated on me....with a whore!
February: My husband isn't showing much of a change....totally and completely addicted to porn
March: fought with husband over porn addiction, felt worthless because I'm not good enough
April: confused as to what to do....stay, go, support him
May: husband's still addicted to porn, I still feel worthless
June: Left husband
July: kicked husband out
August: husband not worthy to give my boys fathers blessings for back to school
September: husband hates spending time with me. we always fight
October: husband stayed home with porn while the boys and I went to the pumpkin patch
November: husband comes home from work 9 hours late every night
December: googled "how to file for divorce"

Not sure that's what I want my posterity reading. But it's the truth. Do I add it or do I pretend like life is perfect and wonderful? I haven't skipped a year since I was 12, so I can't skip this year. But, what do I write?

Kinda had a sucky year.


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